
Discussion in 'DVDR' started by slickhorn, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. slickhorn

    slickhorn Member

    Jul 28, 2003
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    I'm having a nasty problem with my DVD-RW drives. This is a bit complicated...bear with me and I'll try and explain it clearly...

    I have two drives, both Pioneers. One is an A04, the other an A05. Both have been used as secondary masters, on a PC running Win2K pro SP 4. (Athlon XP 2800+, 1GB RAM) I only have one or the other drive installed at any given point.

    I rip dvds using DVD Decryptor or DVD Shrink, and do reauthoring when necessary via DVD Shrink. I use a 120GB drive as a source disc for burning, all applications and caching setting for the applications are set to the smaller c: drive, rather than the 120GB scratch disc.

    I burn using Nero 5.5. I burn at 2x or 4x depending on drive and media, and I always validate the disc once I've finished.

    Here's the problem: the discs NEVER verify properly. Usually, what I see is that 3 or 4 of the files are "different." (according to Nero)

    I haven't watched all of the dvds that have this problem, but on all the ones I have watched, I find problems...dropped frames, usually, or choppy audio, sometimes bad enough that my standalone player will jump to the next chapter, so I believe the failed vaildation ststus of the burned disc.

    So, I guess I have a couple of questions:

    -- is there a better way to verify a written disc?

    -- should I be using different burning software?

    -- could I have a bad ASPI layer? I'm using the most curent adaptec aspi layer.

    -- could it be a problem with the electricity in my apt?

    please help!!! I'm a-going crazy!
  2. yuedana

    yuedana Regular member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    your process and hardware sound fine...but one thing you didn't mention was what kind of dvd-r are you using. Sometimes media can be the only problem with a process.
  3. slickhorn

    slickhorn Member

    Jul 28, 2003
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    thanks for the response yuedana.

    I'm using two types of is unbranded skye media, the other is unbranded princo (I believe).

    Interestingly, I've had a friend throw that media in the A05 drive in a G5 running OSX -- and the burns turned out okay. Of course, that didn't include a data verification process.

    Am I putting too much trust in the data vertification? Is it possible that the DVD is just fine, but that Nero is seeing differences that don't matter? like file fragmentation, or something?
  4. koola

    koola Guest

    The problem is your media, it is sh!t. Try and get quality media like Ritek G03 or G04.
    These top quality DVD disc are the best for DVD player compatability and for DVD burning.

    Just think like this: If everything else is correct, then its the media.

    TThere is so much crap media out there, you have just got to know what is crap and buy what is not (eg, Ritek)

    Good luck :D
  5. slickhorn

    slickhorn Member

    Jul 28, 2003
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    aight. I'll snag some of that G04. Sounds like the way to go. I had a 25 spindle of DVD-pro or princo that was 100%, but I musta just got lucky or been sent the wrong thing.

    I'll update once I can try the other media.
  6. slickhorn

    slickhorn Member

    Jul 28, 2003
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    I've got some ritek g04 n the way.

    I tried again with some apple media, but no luck. I thought that was good media...
  7. koola

    koola Guest

    Let us know how it goes when your media arrives!

    see ya later :D
  8. slickhorn

    slickhorn Member

    Jul 28, 2003
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    Alrighty...we have media!

    Just for fun, I also bought a 5 pack of Fuji media from RiteAid.

    here are the results so far: I am 1 of 5 successful from the Fuji (it was the very first disc that worked) and I am 0 for 10 successful with the Ritek G04.

    Now, I'm as much a geek as the next guy, even though I'm not a pro when it comes to dvd-r...burning should NOT be the problematic.

    I've tried burning at 1x, 2x, and 4x. the successful burn was at 4x. As usual, the burn process completed successfully in all cases, but dat verification succeeded in only one.

    This is on the Pioneer 105 drive, and I tried several VIDEO_TS folders I had prepped in case it was a problem with the fileds.

    One thought that had occured to me was the location of my hard drive. I keep a 120GB scratch disc for all my video work as primary master on a pci IDE raid card. seems unlikely, but could the pci bus be the problem?

    Thanks for your ongoing help on this -- you guys have been great!
  9. slickhorn

    slickhorn Member

    Jul 28, 2003
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  10. majestyk7

    majestyk7 Member

    Dec 19, 2003
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    It seems everybody has a different way to back up their DVD's. All I can do to help is let you know what I do and you can try that if you want.
    1) I rip with SmartRipper2.41 (Get all files)
    2) recompress with DVD2One if needed (I never has any luck w/DVDshrink)
    3) IfoEdit (Create IFOs and Get GTS Sectors)
    4) Nero 5.5 to good media

    I never validate either...

    I use Memorex 4x -R on a Lite-On 411S

    I don't know if this will help you, that's why this is the newbies forum. Best thing to do is scan the forums for people using the same writer/media as you and see what they use to rip/author/burn.

    Good Luck!

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