If you are new, then you need Nerovision express which will convert an AVI to DVD with nearly one click.
But if you want to actually learn something and Make a Quality DVD then you Should go to DVDRhelp.com and read some tutorials, You could probably start with a Good DVD authoring Program something like DVD-Lab would be a Good Beginners Program and you will need a Good Quality Mpeg encoder, Tmpgenc is an easy one for beginners...Some of the Tutorials on DVDrHelp.com will explain the all of the Basics and software you will need...If you don"t really care about high Quality and just want to get it done Quickly without much thinking then something like Vision express would work ok....cheers
1) Conver the AVI to MPEG2 -> If you are concerned about quality, then TMPGEnc is definitely the way to go. 2) Author a DVD title-set -> I've never used DVDLab, but as an alternative, TMPGEnc DVD Author does an excellent job. 3) Burn with Nero, Record Now MAx, or another burning app of your choice... www.dvdrhelp.com has in-depth tutorials on all of these programs, and is defintiely a great place to start. Good luck...
whats the difference between nerovision express and nero express..have tried using nero express and have had no joy