Hi there I wonder if anyone can help me, I'm trying to use Nero version to make a VCD from avi's which I've downloaded. After a lot of failed efforts I found some useful advice on Afterdawn, to download K-Lite codec pack, which I did and now Nero will recognise my avi's and burn them to VCD. The problem now is that the quality of the movie when played on my DVD player is pretty awful - colours cutting out, picture jumping etc... (the movies are fine when played on my computer as avi's). Since I don't understand a great deal about codecs or making video discs and stuff like that, I'd really appreciate if anyone could tell me how I might go about making these VCDs work properly! Here's hoping... G
Hi, The last updated version is Nero which you can download from here. First note your serial number, Download Nero 5 CleanTool from here and run it. Download Ccleaner from here and run it to clean out your system (Using both the 'cleaner' and 'registry' options) Reboot. Install Nero check out these links here and here That said, as Nero5 is a discontinued product, i doubt if you'll get much joy from it. It might be worth it trying out the trial version of nero 7 from