I have this video clip that's 01:33 long, and I want to cut it so that it starts at 00:44 and ends at 01:33 so that the total clip length will be 49 seconds. Then I want to slow the entire 49 second clip down to a little over half its speed (from 100% to 60%) so that the entire clip is in slow-motion, and the new, edited clip should be about 1 minute and 20 seconds long. Now, I have two programs that are capable of doing these edits, but for some reason I can't get either of them to successfully do it. I have Honestech Video Editor 7.0 on my computer, which cuts the video and slows it down, but then for some reason the finished video file freezes on the first frame for the first 5 seconds of the video before playing. My friend has Adobe Premiere, so I burned the video clip onto a CD, took it over there and cut it and slowed it down, but then the finished video file's audio cuts out for about half a second every 3 seconds and the audio and video don't synch whatsoever. So, my question is; can anyone recommend me another (free) program that will cut and slow down this clip successfully, or, even better; if I host the video file online or send it via AIM or something, could someone do these two edits for me and send it back, since I can't seem to do it right by myself? Thanks in advance for any help.
If it was an AVI you could load it into VirtualDub, click 'Video', 'Frame Rate' and set it to 15. Click 'Video' 'Direct copy' and save it. Of course the audio is still the same so it would have to be disabled.
I tried downloading VirtualDub, but can't seem to be able to extract it...and what do you mean by the audio would have to be disabled?
VirtualDub, look for 'stable' download. http://virtualdub.sourceforge.net/ If you take a clip where an actor is speaking and slow it down, the speech also gets slowed down.
Ah, I got it to work, but yeah; I'm trying to get the audio slowed down as well, so that both the video and the audio are slowed down and still sync...and as far as I can tell, VirtualDub only slows down the video, the audio still stays the same.
This clip had the length of the audio stretched to match the new length of the video. Used 'Audacity' (Effects, Tempo). I saved the .wav from VDub. Saved the slow video without audio. Reloaded the video and added the new wav. http://rapidshare.com/files/39756776/clip_slowofc_with_slow_wav.rar.html