making copies of shows, movies, recorded off tv (no copywrite)

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by rice400, Dec 27, 2005.

  1. rice400

    rice400 Member

    Dec 24, 2005
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    after making a copy of a movie off of tv, how would i make a second copy of it? could i just put the already recorded dvd in my dvd player and play it, than have my dvd recorder record what is being played. this would just be from off the tv so there wouldn't be any copywrite.

    sorry for all the questions, just trying to justify spending the money for a dvd recorder and some DVD-R, and DVD-RW.

  2. budberner

    budberner Guest

    some dvdrecorders won't record off dvd w/o video stabilizer period. you could use nero to copy dvd to dvd nonprotected discs.Although not highly recommended it can work. Shrink which is free make iso then burn.

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