I just purchased the die hard collection and noticed the box that the all the dvd's are stored in. I wondered if it was possible to make custom box set boxes? I googled and couldn't find anything and would appreciate help from anyone regarding information on making custom boxes for boxsets.
yes i u can i saw supermiediacenter.com i think they have the 6 disc box very sleek if u have scanner and printer bewaree though i heard sticking labels on the disc might not be able to play ur movies unless they are orighinal
You can by 2-4 disc DVD cases from plenty of media websites on the net if you want to make a sure of "boxed set" for one particular Trilogy, Saga, TV series, etc...
yea if you want to make a wooden box set just go down to lows or home depot and pick up some tac wood and some carpinters glue (the nails might be to big, or stick out) cut the wood to the size and amount of the disks you want and glue it together well clamp it or put a rubber band around it and wait till it dries and then just paste whatever you want on there..
6x dvd case = http://svp.co.uk/product/amps_6_way_black_dvd_storage_case_0103_x100 8x dvd case = http://svp.co.uk/product/amps_8_way_black_dvd_storage_case_0063_x80 10x dvd case = http://svp.co.uk/product/amps_10_way_black_dvd_storage_case_0064_x44
thanks for the help, I'm gonna try and make a container out of wood and use a wood burning kit for a design. If that dosn't turn out I'm off to buy some 4 disc cases.