Making Custom Mp3 as Ringtones for K750i

Discussion in 'Sony phones' started by Jstyles, Sep 8, 2005.

  1. Jstyles

    Jstyles Guest

    Hey guys, I'm having difficultly using custom mp3's as my ringtone for my k750i.
    Basically, i've cut the mp3 I wanted with Audacity, but don't know how to tranfers it to my k750 and load it as its ringtone.
    I'm also having problems with sync of the phone with the computer. I've installed the software but when I connect the USB cord, it keeps coming up with new hardware found.

    Hope you guys can help me out.


  2. rav0

    rav0 Member

    Jan 23, 2004
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    Carry out these instructions to fix any installation problems that might have occured. Reinstall the software, restart, uninstall the software, restart, restart, install the software, restart, restart, run the software, exit the software. Do all this without the cable plugged in, then run the software and plug the cable into your phone and computer.

    If you want to get the ringtone to your phone fast, search the web for a wap uploader. These let you save your file, be it wallpapers, ringtones, whatever, on their website, from where you can download to your phone.

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