I recently purchased Pinnacle DVD studio and have had horrible results trying to capture and edit my home movies. I have a fairly new computer with a P4 2.4ghz and 512MB ram, but the program tends to crap out repeatedly. What should take a couple hours, usually takes days to complete....bottom line IM over it. I was able to capture and convert to MPEG file several of my movies. Now, I just want to burn them in DVD format so that I can give them to family and watch them on my DVD player at home. What can I do? I have serached the threads and found nothing specific, or that seems like its doing what i need to do. Thanks
Hi ezrides, Welcome to our little Club - You should have no trouble using NeroVision to take your MPEG to a DVD Give it a try. If your MPEG files are DVD compliant - A second choice would be to use TMPGEnc DVD Author. If your MPEG files are not DVD compliant then use TMPGEnc to take them from MPEG to a DVD compliant MPEG then DVD Author to give you your VOB's then burn to disc - Enjoy, Pete
Thanks Pete, I just got through reading up on TMPGEn and I think thats what I'll do. This whole DV editing has got me in a quandry. Maybe I don't have the right software, or maybe I just don't have the right machine, but its WAYYYY too much trouble to edit these home movies. I was wanting to make a simple 4 minute music video to my daughter with video of her growing up and still pics, but I have had a horrible time getting this done. I no technical dummie, and I realize with the insurgence of DV camcorders this task should be relatively simple....but not for me. I just bought a new DVD recorder from the house and I think Ill just stick to straight copying from tape to DVD and keep it at that. Thanks
I suggest you try TMPGEnc DVD Author - it will do exactly what you want. Another suggestion would be DVDLab - you can make truly excellent chapters with that - I suggest a Jack Daniels and 7 up and a quit room and you'll be having fun in no time (just don't run out of JD. (Lol) Cheers, Pete