I have a mate who is interested in using his pc to make music; he is planning on getting a copy of Sonar 4 and is wondering what would be a good sound card. Price and connectivity are important factors. All suggestions gratefully received. Cheers.
Hello, anyone out there? I need (well my mate) needs advice on a good sound card to use to hook his guitar up to his pc, any suggestions. I feel lonley here
Hey dude, dunno if thiz iz gunna help u or not but wot da hell. Visit thiz site... http://www.ramelectronics.net/html/guitar-port.html (Quote 4rm site) "Now you have everything you need to enjoy playing guitar at your fingertips, whenever you want it. Easy to get to and easy to use – so you can enjoy playing, build your skills and sound great doing it all!"
Thanks for the reply but what my mate is looking for is a recommended sound card, that allows for conecting a guitar as well as other instruments. He plays the guitar but will need to add other stuff. Thanks again.