Manhunt 1 (PC) Texture Skinning Help (where are the files)

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Kylebacon, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. Kylebacon

    Kylebacon Regular member

    Jul 22, 2005
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    Hey hope this is in the correct area if not then please correct me its been years since i lasted used this site anyways...

    I have just started to want to edit skins and such for Manhunt 1 (PC) seeing as ive seen other people do it and ive searched google i must be typing in the wrong thing or something because i cant find what im looking for all i know is ill need a program called ViceTXD to open the files simple it sounds well..i have a problem..

    I cant find the textures im looking for such as a hunter or James Earl Cash unless im missing files? even though the game runs fine (as its a downloaded copy) all i can find are some pictures such as the weapon icons (some that don't even exist in the game) the pictures of the James earl cash like near his health bar and such when you can kick a bin or to call the homeless bum to follow you and stop you get the idea im guessing?

    and that's all there's also so squares that have blood on them named player08 or hunter08 and have no idea what they are i can only find TXD files in the folder "Pictures" aka D:\Manhunt\pictures\frontend_pc.txd

    um if screenshots are needed/would help just say and i can screenshot anything ya might need such as the ViceTXD and or the folders and such of Manhunt if there's a thread that's like this or would help me answer it please could someone direct me to it? thanks in advance
  2. Kylebacon

    Kylebacon Regular member

    Jul 22, 2005
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    Dont worry i finally found my answer if anyone else is asking this question go here for info if you want to change james earl cash textures
    go into Manhunt/levels/global and theres the playable characters i think enjoy go here for more info

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