I'm back with more n00b-ish problems. So I need help with M&LRPG3. It has the same problem as some other newer games, that "No save file can be found, please reinsert game card" or something. But I tried patching the arm7.bin file and replacing the arm7.bin file with another game that works. Both failed. It shows the same message. PS The game is in Jap, I hope that doesn't make a big difference coz the English one comes out in a while. Thanks
This game has new anti piracy measures and will not work on many flashcarts. If you are getting the save files issues then you need to look 1) Update your cards firmware 2) If this is no help then, the Arm7 patch (the site in my signature has a tutorial on how to do it) also what flashcart you have would help people to understand your problem.
Well with R4 there are now 12 different types, if you have had it for a while then you probably have the R4 revolution (original) this is no longer being updated (1.18 firmware) you can either patch the latest roms with the ARM7 patch, or look on gbatemp.net in the R4 forum they have a different firmware YSMenu, this is based on the DSTT software and will solve most of your issues (but not all)
OMFG!!! It showed some error message or something, (I dunno it's in Japanese) but when I go to new game, it freezes and stops working... Crap...
http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=97615 remember some games will still not work (the compatability is the same as the DSTT)
First page scroll down (about 2/3 of the way down you will see a blue heading DS(T_T)DS) Then you will see YS Menu
For ease look on gbatemp.net for 1.19 firmware (in R4 downloads) this just arm7 patches the games and is a simple install - will get most working