Hi, I am trying to play a back-up of MSOG and I get a white blank screen and the game does not start. I have the M3 DS Real and I am using a 2G SanDisk memory card. Any ideas what the problem might be? Thanks in advance for the help! JT
hi I also have the M3 Real with a 2g scandisk memory and have no problem with MSOG, maybe your back up is bad. Try getting a new backup rom of MSOG or maybe you need to update your firmware? hope that help tony
Thanks. I am not sure what the newest firmware is? I checked the ds and it says "M3 Manager V2.8 X version". I guess it can also be a bad b/u.
hi go to the top of the form and you should see the "M3 DS Real Guide" go down to "loader(system/firmware" and click on the "here" this will lead you to another page where you want to download the v2.9 hope this help tony
also, just wondering but how are you copying the rom to your memory. The reason I ask is because I read where someone use the M3 manager to copy their rom into the memory card. This is how I use to do it will my M3 perfect (slot 2)but for the M3 DS real all you need is to drag and drop. tony
Thanks Tony! I'll go ahead and upgrade to the newest version. I have a feeling that my backup is no good though. Either way, thanks... JT
Use a program called HashCalc to check the CRC32 of the nds file. It should be 0bfe77e2. After that, make sure you have the softrest turned off. That is what was hanging the game for me. This torrent has 2010 verified roms in it including MSOG: http://www.mininova.org/tor/1108248 if you need to re-download it.
The softreset took care of it! I turned it off and it worked with no problems. Thanks a lot for your help! JT
i get the exact same white screen when i open up MSOG. but the thing is the 1st few times i tried playing it and it worked, it wasnt until after like the 5th time that i got the white screen, anyone know whats wrong? and ive been using the 2.9 firmware since the beginning