Hi, I have several consoles back to the regular nintendo. I've always been a gamer and just can't bring myself to get rid of them instead I want to know how to hook them into my system. Does anyone know if there is a product, or if its even possible to have a selector switch with multiple rca (4 needed), components video audio(4 needed), HDMI (2 needed) and cable (2-4 needed) inputs (like 12 altogether) that can confert to one output for each. If so will the hdmi input still out put though rca audio outputs to surround sound or would I need A sound system with multiple inputs? If its out there I hope that switch comes with a remote!
May be easier to design and build your own.. I would use cmos gates for ease, but pin diodes would also work well. http://docs.google.com/gview?a=v&q=...&gl=uk&sig=AFQjCNG_tD8A0CwGISRh3_J7tiZXSzKV2A