I'm asking this cause this is like the only forums I use? I'm grade 9 and I'm stuck on this super hard math question, its not for grade 9s but thats why my teach allows us to ask genuis like you guys for the answer, please show me how you got the answer. The base of a triangle is increased by 25%. By what percentage should the height decrease in order for the area to remain constant.
A = .5bh A = .5(1.25b)(xh) .5bh = .5(1.25b)(xh) bh = (1.25b)(xh) h = (1.25)(xh) 1 = 1.25x (1/1.25) = x 4/5 = x .8 = x -> .8 = 80%, so a decrease of 20%.
OK I have a crazy question for the mathematically gifted here. I have multiple videos I am trying to combine but some of them have a slightly different frame rate then the others. The "normal" frame rate is 23.97604 with the "abnormal" framerate being 23.97599, 0.00005 FPS slower then the "normal" rate. If I increase the framerate by .00005 FPS what, in miliseconds, would I need to add to the audio to make it in sync with the video? Thank you! Peace
I might be able to do that, I will look around but the guide I read on changing framerates said I have to add a delay (or an advancement) to the audio, which is done in milliseconds, when changing the framerate.
That's my Auslander! Sharp as a tack! That is why I suggested that, as a double major, you get a teaching cert....no matter what happens in the economy or in the industry sector of your preferred vocation/occupation a certified math teacher will get you a job in damned near any school in the US regardless of the economy around you...a great safetynet that has served many of my friends in the IT industry very well when their regular jobs were outsourced.
I'm feeling the heck out of your pain and I'm only in calc II. Though I hear that calc III is just the first two calcs in three dimensions. I suppose throwing an extra variable in can muck things up. Hey, do you have to take differential equations?
i'm a physics and math double-major...i'll be taking every math course there is >.< ger, don't think i'm not considering it. i'll see about getting certified after a bit more time trying to survive. ^.^
Ah, I would have guessed engineering major. As we have to take a lot of the math classes. Thats cool, what do you plan on doing with the degree?
in my physics 2750 class labs, there are about 20 students and only one other and myself are physics majors...the rest are engineering. >.< as for what i'm going to do with my degree...well, i have no idea yet. >.>
Engineering is a great field if you can land the right position but so many of them end up doing contract job after contract job and that's a rough way to live.
OK, since there are many Calculus students here, I would like to challenge you guys: If you are playing "Texas Hold'em" with Diamond 5 and Diamond 6 in your hand, what is the possibilities of getting a Flush when playing against 5 other players? Thank you
Maths? Wassat?! I'm pathetic at Maths.. Well, I'm predicted an A at GCSE, but still, I'm useless. However, I should probably consider it at A-Level.. seems worth having. English is my thing ;-)
That has nothing to do with Calc... That is a Statistics problem which post people don't get into a real statistics class until after they take Cal 3
i won't be taking statistics of any kind til the first semester of next year. differential equations for me now, then something else.
Having fun with DE? I have only taken through Cal 3 so far, but i am dreading Statistics and DE (Computer Science major/math minor)