I am trying to flash my matrix mod chip, but I am getting a read access denied error. I don't understand the problem. It is my computer setting, my motherboard or what. Can someone please help. jascoleman@hotmail.com
Im guessing your trying to program it...how do you have it hooked up....I went out and spent 30 dollar on a cable to hook it up...but for some reason it will not read the cable... But without the cable reads and writes to it fine.... But don't listen to me...i still haven't got the chip aligned lol
I have hooked up directly to the LPT port. It is lighting up and I can read the card, but it won't let me program it. I am using winlpc to program. any help.
look in the location that you have the winlpc.exe, if there is a iosys file, delete it and it should work from there.
I am still getting the read access denied error. DO you think it is my mother board. I have been trying for the last two days. Also is there another program that I can use to flash with
you can do it with milk, but i think you'll get the same error. are you LPT port settings correct? does winLPC make any other file when it tries to read? (other than the iosys)
A giveio.sys file is generated in the folder. That is the only file that is generated. My port settings should be fine. I really can't understand what is going on. Please help. Jason
Use XP.exe from exox to program the mod. If it does not work on one computer, find another, perhaps another, until you find one that works. I used my laptop and winlpc did not work but xp.exe worked like a charm. I hope you installed your mod as follows: 1. Plug bios board into programmer 2. Insert 9V battery 3. Plug into computer 4. Flash with xp.exe; evox M7 5. Remove from PC 6. Remove 9V battery 7. Remove Mod bios board 8. Plop into xbox 9. The rest is history, and a little luck heh