I've got a Matrix mod chip installed. Used Slayer's auto installer. Put matrix in mode 3 to allow enable or disable via eject. It won't disable. The way i understand it is you load a retail game, then hit eject and the Led should turn red. Mine stays green. Anyone have any suggestions? Everything else seems to work great.
What bios are you using. I have the EvoxD6blue but there is also an EvoX D.6 EjectFix.bin I tried both and it seems that the EvoxD6blue bios does not work the way it should. I may not be 100% accurate but this is a good place to start.
i've got the d6 eject fix bios. Maybe i'm just not doing it right? load game, hit eject. it is supposed to reboot the box but nothing happens other than game locking up on screen. Everything else is working fine. no problems at all. i bought two switches from rad shack. guess i need to do this the hard way.
An ejectfix bios freezes the screen on eject so you can load another disc (with apps for example)withOUT the system rebooting. If that's not what you want, you should reflash with a color bios without ef.