Did anyone hear the Matt Cooper show(Today FM)on monday where N*L apparently said they know who we all are and that we're all in big trouble, comments anyone?
Yeah, well a bloke down the pub know a guy who's uncles dog pisses on the fence of a lad who's mate works in UPC, and he said they will send ten million volts down the cables and kill all dbox users, if you disble virtual zap you are safe though. Hope you are going to stop listening to that bollox, same for people reading the red top rags.
here ya go, http://www.radioireland.ie/lastword/2142008-17.wmv about 45mins in. Only comment from UPC was, its bad dont do it ). The rest then almost runs like an advert for starview
Virtual zap is when you press left or right and the info for the next channel comes up on the bottom of the screen, while still remaining on the channel you are watching. Only some images have it. Some have it set to off by default.