ive been trying to follow the guide for burning a dvd file to blank media with nero6x. It says the max amount of data you can burn to a disc with nero is 4,475MB. The amount im trying to burn is 4,464MB. Am i pushing it too close? Whats a safe speed? Im using a nec 1300a external and Fujifilm dvd-rs Sorry for the long post, I am very new to this! Thanks for your help.
ok dj sorry I think the total in megs is 4476 I could be proved wrong .... in gigs thats 4.36 I think ....... in jap gigs its 4.7 gig in japan you get 1000mb per gig .... in the western world ya get 1024 hence the 4.36 gig I stated sorry bout education hehe but ya dvd should just fit on to a dvd -/+r if in doubt ALWAYS burn onto a rewritable first ......hence no coasters oohh n welcome aboard dj _X_X_X_X_X_[small]::LivE ForeveR OR DiE TryiN!!::....:onT FinD US WE WilL FinD YoU::.. ChecK OuT ThE PenguiN GamE AnD PosT YouR HighesT DistancE ON ThE ForuM http://www.gazholland.com/[/small]
4.464, did you create that with dvd shrink? That's a fine size, that's what all my movies are at, tho i don't use nero, i use recordnow dx, so much better. [bold]DaOsT[/bold] the japanse really measure gigs and MB's like that? I thought only tight-arse isp companies (like telstra, ozzie telephone monopoly-, sorry, i mean company) and people who knew nothing about pc's measured megabytes in groups of 1000 kilobytes. Well, well, you learn something new everyday.
aye pbailey thats how they do it but hey .......eeerrrr I agree grew up with binary ere but what do I know hehehee the power of 2 I think its called
You mean x to the nth squared? phht, i dunno either, lol. You're moderating the gazholland forums, eh? Might check them out.
Ok, off topic completely, but DaOsT, who the hell is dr herman gelmet, and why are people asking him about snapped willies? lol.
Thanks guys, everything worked out great. So far, ive backed up like 3 dvd5s with dvd encrypter(rip and burn)and 3 dvd9s with dvdshrink/nero with no coasters! Im hooked!
LOL, yeah you'll soon find that you enjoy the process of copying a movie more than you enjoy watching it, and soon you'll have a 2000 dvd library, and you won't have watched a single one. ;P Have fun.