Good evening all. It's a fairly easy to explain problem but I suspect the answer is more complicated. I have an mbox, MIII running some sort of Android 4.4.2. It sets up fine, adds apps fine and plays fine. I wanted to install a Bluetooth keyboard but there does not appear to be any Bluetooth option in the settings. Is this deliberate in the build or I'd there something genuinely wrong? Thanks in advance. David
You should have a Bluetooth option , I have an m8s+ if I need to switch on Bluetooth I click on settings / more settings , there is also an option to "add accessories where I can add a Bluetooth device or remote . If you have the manual or box it came with they should confirm if you have Bluetooth
Thanks for your reply. It says on the box and in the instruction pamphlet that Bluetooth is available but there just is no option in the more settings screen. It appears the only wireless connectivity is Wi-Fi which works fine. Puzzling. Is the country of origin likely to have an effect on the build?