New to this file extension and not sure what to do with it. Have tried opening with WinIso, UltraIso to no avail. Could be operator error. Have heard Alcohol will deal with it but unfamilar with Alcohol....sort of Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Thanks.
Thanks for the response. Your were right about Alcohol handling mds/mdf. I burned the file to dvd-r with Alcohol 120, then placed it in a standalone dvd player. The player immediately displayed No Play. I took the disc out and put it in my dvd drive. File wasn't found. Back to the books for me I guess. Any ideas of what I might have done or need to do.
It appears you have a video file that you want to play on your DVD player, yes? If that's the case I would suggest using Daemon Tools to mount the image and then use TMPGEnc to convert the file to a DVD compliant format Daemon Tools: TMPGEnc:
Thanks much for your suggestions. You were exactly right. Will take a look at Daemon tools. I've read a bit about tmpgenc. Best regards