Hello, Im having a problem playing any type of Video. Whether its streaming, a DVD from my Hardrive, or any other type of Video media. It will not properly play. When i try to play a DVD for instance, it raises my CPU-Usage to 100%. And completely lags out my computer. Same thing with streaming. To fix the error, I first blamed my Codecs. I Uninstalled, then reinstalled DivX. Same error, Tried a few other codecs. No help. Finally, I went out and Downloaded Windows Media Player 11. (Upgraded from 9) Still crashed. So, I figured it was Windows error, Tryed Quicktime, and then VLC Media player. Both Failed to resolve the issue. I just reformatted less then a week ago. And im really hoping to avoid that at all costs, if possible. I would appreciate any suggestions, Edit: I uninstalled my Video drivers (standard N-vidia drivers) And the file played just fine. So its a driver issue, I Reinstalled. Same problem? Is there an Error with Nvidia drivers? Or is it something that i have done, That is interacting with that. Thanks, Allied.