media players on fritz

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by gr8t1, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. gr8t1

    gr8t1 Member

    May 31, 2010
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    I have problems with my media player. I installed a driver genius app I got from uttorent only differing in size.( actually I got 2 versions of the same app only differing)and in only minutes I installed it to the DELL 1st ... before I could finishing installing the other version to my emachine, it totally disabled the Dell machine for fortunelty I only just got done intalling it in this pc ( an emachine ) when I noticed it was wreaking havoc on the dell. on the dell it also have a little antivirus program along inside it that the other didnt. and the antivirus would let me open a single program til I gave up or sent them 39$ to remove them.
    here's the confusing part both apps were of the same version of driver genius and one was a litle bigger than the other. I used the bigger one in the dell and the smaller one in the emachine. neither had anything about having a spyware or AV suprise inside the torrents desriptions.

    now, getting back to the problem at hand.... Quickly I removed the program from the 2nd machine which was an emachine so I just removed the driver genius progrm and it seemed to stop anything weird . I tried and tried to remove the program from the dell but it then started giving me porn pop ups. so I shut down the dell.. I didnt know what else to do . but then it would start at all . but I used the old trick of taking out its battery and memory sticks ( 1 GB each )the replace them and then It would boot up but,not in safe mode only in set up mode.

    not being a set up genius. I shut it back down and put the c drive from the pc and put it in my auxiallry drive I keep for changing dvd burners and scanned it thougly for viruses of all kinds and nothing. just like I thought. I then removed the whole proram from the c drivers program files and program file area. stuck it back in and it still would only boot to set up.

    as for my emachine I took out the program from their first but this version had a folder available to use mu old drivers which I selected and in bout 1/2 hr. it asked me if I wanted to keep the newer sound NIVIDIA driver it had installed instead. I said ok... so it finished reinstalling the drivers IT SAID and needed a reboot. I was hopeful I had killed the beast.

    well everytime I went to use the media player a notice came up saying " the NIVIDIA DISPLAY PANEL CANNOT BE CREATED : possible reason are version mismatch - reinstalling drivers may help.

    so I went to the driver dackup cache and all the drivers where still there and tried reinstalling them and it said it was sucessfull....

    so I tried to play a file.... it started the media player up as usual then shut the pc down and rebooted it as usual. when it was fully rebooted it said the same error its been saying along time so Im trying not to use it. it says YOUR PC HAS JUST RECOVERED FROM A SERIUOS ERROR . and then goes on to give the error details which I have if anyone would need to see them.

    how I removed the program from the dell is I have a empty external drive I keep around to do things like remove programs from drives I dont want in anymore. or use as an xtra dvd burner tray. I scanned the whole program before removal and nothing . so I took out the programs saved everything to a flash drive and reinstall the drive into the Dell.

    other than that this pc seems to blink once in a while out of the blue but runs good. and but, the Dell is all but dead. any help would be appreciated...

    should I let emachines fix it with remote control or by phone or should I wait ands see what turns up from this forum...

    dr. mengle
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2010
  2. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    chances are the program contained a with torrents read the comments and usually if it has a virus someone will point it out.not familiar with emachines but keep an eye on the forum and someone might just come along and give you some advice.
  3. gr8t1

    gr8t1 Member

    May 31, 2010
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  4. gr8t1

    gr8t1 Member

    May 31, 2010
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    I am sure it contained some kind of virus as I took ALL the files out. and scanned then only to find nothing in another machine. the only problem is now it wont start up even in safe mode or set now. I hope the board isnt destroyed. Ill keep an eye on the forums for a while then I guess it will have to go into the shop or something.

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