Media players: WD TV / Popcorn Hour

Discussion in 'Media tanks' started by z0diac, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. z0diac

    z0diac Regular member

    Dec 12, 2002
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    I can't believe there's not a forum here for media players...

    Anyway. Does anyone know if the Western Digital media player (WD TV) will read NTFS external drives? I've got tons of large HD movies on my drive (which is NTFS as the files are larger than 4gb) and would like to play them on my bigscreen.

    PS3 isn't an option - every day I'm finding out more and more how my PS3 sucks as a standalone media player. '

    I know Popcorn Hour units play NTFS, but they're hard to get ahold of. I can go down to BestBuy right now and pick up a WDTV. Can't seem to find anywhere about what file systems it reads though.

  2. z0diac

    z0diac Regular member

    Dec 12, 2002
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    Ok, I answered my own question...

    accoring to another site, yes the WDTV can read NTFS drives. :)
  3. nix6six6

    nix6six6 Guest

    I've had the Popcorn Hour for about 6 months and love it.

    It does take a while to get all the settings right and figure out all the functions.

    To me the real advantage of the Popcorn Hour is having it connected via ethernet to your home network and playing network shares from your other computers.

    That and the fact that you can put a HDD inside the Popcorn Hour but the network shares is the biggest thing for me.

    Popcorn Hour is easy to find on their website, just takes a week or so before you actually get it.
  4. txfishers

    txfishers Member

    Mar 24, 2009
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    WD TV HD will play just about anything you have. very nice display and menu. you can hook up two different USB drives to but if you have more then use a hub abd use file selection to veiw as many as you have. Great choice.

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