I'm wondering what the best storage method is for my DVD collection. Currently I keep all the DVD's in the original cases on the shelf, but I've been thinking about switching to a large binder for storage, as my collection is getting large and beginning to take up more room in the cases. Can I get some suggestions on storage and learn what methods some of you are using. I would also like to know the ups and downs of using the binder system, and if it is good for the discs. Thanks in advance! ~Carl
There are several criteria to watch for in storing DVD media: 1) away from heat and humidity 2) away from wild temperature variations 3) away from UV light sources 4) support so that the discs do not bend and cause tilt problems 5) away from scratches and debris on the bottom surface If you can achieve these, the discs should be relatively safe.
If I may add children to your list Joe...it was due to my son I got into this whole Dvd back up process in the first place...
Good point! I once had to give a presentation using a VCR provided by a hotel. It didn't work. A little investigation showed my how to fix it. I straightened a coat hanger and stuck it into the VCR while the hotel owner turned white with fear. A little maneuvering to avoid the head drum allowed me to hook onto and pull out a pacifier. I should have charged the owner for a service call.
well as for me i have about 5 binders right now that hold about 200+ dvd's in them works great for my backups and i got a sheet labeled telling me what movies are in what binder i know to organized as for my dvd's i have a big rack pretty much full of the orginals figuring some orginals are now coasters from scratches....i say use a cd/dvd binders for backups works for me
http://www.supermediastore.com/cd-dvd-storage-case.html Try those also. I just got one in Canada from a factor store for like $40 Canadian. I love it.
Those cases that Albundy has so kindly provided a link to are the best in my opinion. I have stored them all sorts of different ways and these by far work the best and provide the best protection. You can usually find them on Ebay for much cheaper though. I just won a bid on one that holds 600 for .98 cents (nobody seems to bid on these) I also have one that holds 1,000 but it is full now so I needed another one. Now if you combine this program DVD Profiler you can then catalog all of your DVDs very easily, and it even provides you with a web page you can share with whomever you wish. Here is the link to my collection just so you have an idea as to what I am talking about LINK Hope this helps you out
Thanks for the input everyone! I'm going to relocate all of my DVDs to a storage case. It will take up so much less space. But what to do with all of the original cases now!?!?!?! @bbmayo- I just discovered DVD Profiler about a week ago and I love it! Just about done getting all of my movies entered in.