Anybody use these discs before? I'm running out of 150 of them (25 packs I got from a Blockbuster Video for $1.99 each) that burned great (for audio) at both 16 & 32x. The outer wrapper said it was 48x media. Not looking for more since I now use Ritek silver/matte for my audio CD's. My Plextor 716a seems to like any CDR or DVD-R media thats put into it except for Princo DVD media & any CMC media but we know that stuff is junk anyway...
"used them once.. hated them.. use them as frisbees.. nothing but ty's and verbatims for me" Why did you hate them. The ones I've burned never caused me a problem. Only CD's I've had trouble with were CMC. Ritek, Prodisc & Lead Data CDR's have all burned & played fine. No I don't buy Fry's (Lead Data) CD's anymore just one pack of a hundred & it was OK for CD audio use. DVD's? TY & only TY.....
I had a pack of 25 that I purchased about 6 years ago, burned some backups of my Dreamcast games on with my crappy 2x Sony burner (LOL), and I believe they still work great to this day.