hello guys ive learn a lot in these forums on overc. i oc my cpu 2800+ to 2.21ghz stable. my barton is luck i think!?. i try oc by increasing fsb,vcore but what about memory oc how? i heard about fsb/ram ratio what is that? how do i set that? which mems is better to oc is highs fsb pc-3200 or pc-2700 an one last thing which are the best memory cas timings to cope with high fsb. my system abit nf7 athlon xp 2800+ oc to 2.21ghz gigabyte 3d cooler pro max speed(4400rpms) artic silver 5 (by the way it really works!!) markvision memory, 2x256 ddr pc-2700 planing to swicth to kingstong hyper x pc-3200! nvidia gforce fx-5200 128 ddr (with xtra fan on the back intel sk 370 fan,copper sinks on memory chips). ^^overclocking is not just about the numbers...^^
i have no clue about me OC'ing but as a side note, i wanted to add: You should put your computer's specs in your signature because ive seen u type your specs every time so a better thing to do is to put it in your sig.