Menu creater for a dvd?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by RyanZ06, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. RyanZ06

    RyanZ06 Guest

    Ok, i borrowed a dvd off a mate, and his menu was really poor, and it has some stupid intro so i removed them with DVD shrink.

    I then tryed to make a menu on tmpgenc dvd author and added dvd files but how do i get the sound from it? Cause i created the new menu ok, but when i was selecting files i noticed no audio input was selected? Which do i select if its dvd files?

    Also if this mean ripping etc.. what other program can i add the menu to it with, so that i can burn with nero :)
  2. john179

    john179 Active member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Please note this is no different than renting from a video shop.You are trying to back up a dvd you do not own.Now if you owned the dvd we could then certainly help you.
  3. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Sorry John,
    The word has been handed down by the owner’s rep. that copying a DVD from a rental store as is the copying a DVD for a friend or downloading current DVD’s or DVD's not yet released, is perfectly fine. This Corporation is based in Finland where all these things are legal.
    As a matter of fact, the owner’s representative has informed the forum that coming soon, will be an additional forum rule that if anyone even remotely suggests that any Newbie would be dishonest or anything less than a totally law abiding citizen, that member would be breaking the rules and therefore could be very well be banned.


    And I sorry if anything John said might have upset you Ryanz06. We have recently been told by representatives of the owners not to upset any Newbie.

    First off Ryanz06, If you are using TMPGEnc DVD Author, all you have to do is hand it the VIDEO_TS folder and it will pickup the Audio by itself.

    Second - A really good proggy is DVDLab. It makes super menus with really cool graphics. Your mate will flip when he sees them.

    Hope that answered all of your questions. We’re sorry if John upset you. Most of the pple here aren't familiar with the changes.



    The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô)
    Compaq 8000, Pent IV CPU 2.84GHz, 1024MB RAM, 520GB HD.
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    Last edited: Aug 14, 2004
  4. john179

    john179 Active member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    My apologies Pete i just base my judgement off what i think the law states in my country at present.To be honest the law in my country is all over the place at the moment just like the plonker who makes it law.If i walk in to to my video shop and say i'am just taking a film out to copy i would be prosecuted.I do not agree with all the laws but i believe if i was to say in my country i have borrowed something to copy i would probably see the harder side of the law in my country.As you stated in another thread Blockbusters would have me by the balls if i was caught in the Uk.Does not mean to say i believe in those laws.But and this is a big but i would not advise anyone even my worst enermy to pop down the video shop to get a quick copy.In your country it may be perfectly legal to do so but where i live it is ilegal.If advise anyone how to steel it's called aid and a betting where i live wether on the internet or by mouth to mouth.Myself and you have are up's and down's yet i always totally respect your point of view.This time i feel you let everyone at AD down as i'm trying to go by the laws i believe is right and wrong.For you to try and hit me hard on one thread and then state another thing as bad on another thread is another thing.Yes i said what i would do if this was mine and so on at my own risk.But i do not go and tell someone to break the law in what i think is the law without thought.Did i not say please and sorry to RyanZ06 which means i know where he is coming from but i can not discuss.Yes maybe we should look at the rules more closely as to what is aceptable and not so we are all more clearer.But do me a favour do not try to tell me what is right and wrong unless you know all from both sides.Like i say i have toal respaect for yourself but we all have points of views and on this one ours are different.
  5. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Don't even go there John. You've known me long enough to know that this is not, nor could it ever be a view of mine. To even suggest that after 60 years I could change my beliefs 180 degrees. No matter what the law says, I could never go and take that which isn't mine nor could I ever go to a video store to steal that which I should have purchased. Those are my views, PERIOD.

    As you said, even if I lived from hand to mouth, I couldn't and wouldn't lower my personal values and commit what I feel is blatant thievery. No John, it isn't me. This all transpired yesterday, word form "on high" was handed down. It has nothing to do with my beliefs, views or feelings as I was so very clearly told. This isn't a friendly place to hang my hat and feel at home during my free time. This is a business and it will be run as the owners see fit to run it.

    The word has been handed down by the owner's representative that copying a DVD from a rental store as is the copying a DVD for a friend or downloading current DVD's or DVD's not yet released, is perfectly fine. This Corporation is based in Finland where all these things are legal and we are to assume that wherever Newbies come from, it is legal there too. We are to encourage Newbies to come and stay here no matter what. The general idea would be, the greater the numbers, the better the CEO likes it.

    As it was explained, when pple download a DVD from the "Net", they are just checking a future purchase, therefore no money is being lost to the movie industry. When pple download a DVD that has just begun playing in the theaters, those pple are going to see the picture anyway so again there's no profit lost to the movie industry. If for some reason they choose not to pay to see it, they'll delete it from their PC and forget they ever saw it. This is directly from dRD's personal representative. (Though I did add the part about them forgetting they saw it. I do think that it was a given. So I wasn't attempting to be disrespectful Dela and dRD, I really wasn't.)

    If you missed the thread pple, "HEAD's UP"
    We are to be respectful to all Newbies, no matter what they say, how they say it or however they behave. As a matter of fact, the owner's representative has informed the forum that coming soon, will be an additional forum rule. That rule would read something like - if anyone even remotely suggests that any Newbie could be dishonest or anything less than a totally law abiding citizen, that member would be breaking the rule and therefore could be very well be banned.

    I was wrong, this is not a warm home for the lonely nor is it a place for friends, this is a business and should be treated as such. The goal is to increase membership not to screen it.

    Cheers John. Perhaps, if we can find a forum with values we can believe in, we can hookup there. Keep me in mind if you find one, I'm going to look too. All the best Buddy -

  6. john179

    john179 Active member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    See where i come from i do not believe this is fine and dandy.But this does not mean i believe our laws are right.When giving advise i believe you have to give it world wide and i believe most countrys are the same as mine in this law.I may be wrong but iam only going off what i believe to be right.I also want every Newby to stay as the more the better.I think there should be some firm guide lines where we do not have to cross this bridge.Pete you know i totally respect your views as you are a big part of AD.As like you i just want AD to keep going for ever.All newbies i welcome with open arms as we were all newbies at one stage and i would always welcome with all intrest's at heart.

    A7V8X-X XP2800+,2x120gb,1Gig Ram
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    Last edited: Aug 14, 2004
  7. RyanZ06

    RyanZ06 Guest

    Sorry to have caused any problems. But its all fully legal this dvd

    Thanks pete ill check this DVDLab out :)

    And as for dvd author


    Is this right? Cause i played it after making it and there was no sound, it selects a sound file on 1 of the previous menu's but dosent show it there?
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Finally Got All file Covnversions Sussed :)[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2004
  8. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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  9. RyanZ06

    RyanZ06 Guest

    I found my problem, it was dvd shrink.

    It must have done something to the sound when i removed the menu and intro? Any1 know why?

    Cause thats why it wasnt picking up the sound on dvd author
  10. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    You're doing fine -

    It has recently been pointed out to me - by the hierarchy and by friends even - That I was a big part of what was wrong with aD -

    Seems that I had too many values - I just have to learn they're not welcome here -

    cheers buddy - I'm the one roasting, best you give me wide berth –

  11. RyanZ06

    RyanZ06 Guest

    Youve done nothing wrong IMO but then i havent noticed other things, but i think it is the same princible of copying a rented movie, but as u say there are many ways to look at it.

    But on topic does anyone know why dvd shrink chenges the audio so dvd author dosent pick it up?
  12. ddlooping

    ddlooping Active member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Hi all. :)

    RyanZ06, did you use DVD Shrink "Start/End" feature by any chance?
    If yes, did you use chapters as cut-off points?

    DVD Shrink "Start/End" does not work on a frame-by-frame basis, and sometimes can cause for the audio stream(s) headers not to be fully compliant.
    This, in turn, can cause the problem you're experiencing with DVD Author.

    Possible workarounds are:
    - choose chapters as cut-off points.
    - demux the DVD Shrink backup with DVD Decrypter and use HeadAC3he (or similar) to fix the audio streams headers.

    @ Pete,
    If you need a break from AfterDawn forums, you know where to go. ;)
  13. RyanZ06

    RyanZ06 Guest

    I did use shrink's Start/End tool, so that seems to be the problem, and by chapter cut off points do u mean selecting chapter 2-12 and removing 1?

    Cause all i did was remove about 10 seconds worth on the first chapter.

    DVD author seems to have done the trick but there was no option to remove then menu? Is it automatically overwritten with another made on tmpgenc?

  14. ddlooping

    ddlooping Active member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    "[bold]by chapter cut off points do u mean selecting chapter 2-12 and removing 1[/bold]"
    For example.

    The "Start/End" option to select chapters as cut-off points is situated on the right of the window, where it says "Chapter".
    When used, the audio stream headers should not be corrupted.

    If you cropped 10 seconds off a chapter, you probably used the "Start/End" slider (on the left) for the second cut-off point.

    The corrupted headers shouldn't be a problem for software and set-top players, but it is for DVD Author and some other authoring softwares.

    DVD Author will remove the original menus.

  15. RyanZ06

    RyanZ06 Guest

    Cheers guys, burnt it fine :)

  16. ddlooping

    ddlooping Active member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    What did you end-up doing then? :)
  17. RyanZ06

    RyanZ06 Guest

    Done it all with tmpgenc author, it removes the menu (creates a new one) and i can resize the movie easily.

    Im gona look at that dvdlab though for next time :)

  18. ddlooping

    ddlooping Active member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Glad to hear you go it working. ;)

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