I don't know any other way to put it. I have two pictures that I'll post at the bottom that I want to put together side by side diagonally. The first picture I want to have in a / direction while the other will be cut on the other side. I want to make the middle blurred instead of just a plain cut. I have Photoshop CS3. Sorry if the above made no sense, but I'll show the pictures and I'll try to think of a better way of explaining later. http://www.isc-online.at/wallpaper/originale/AMD green.jpg edited by ddp This is the image I want on the right hand side. http://bfarber.com/screens/[1454]NvidiaGreenlow.jpg edited by ddp I removed the "Optimized for Windows" part and this will obviously be on the left. Thanks!!
Resize the images to 500 pixels high, 96 DPI, merge into a 500 by 200 pixel box, use the feathered eraser tool and erase a diagonal section off the one, when I get back later tonight I could demonstrate for you how to do that.
Cool!!! Thanks very very much! This may sound awkward, but need any favors? Just ask. You'll see this under my nick from now on.
rvinkebob, edit your sig to conform to forum specs ASAP. 2. An image-only signature should be less than 50kb in size, and be at most 500 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall. 4. If you want to use both text and image in your signature the image should not be more than 500 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall, and you can use up to three lines of text. moved to correct forum
Here, now stay out of trouble. =) remember ddp is a long forgotten descendant of Zeus. He can celebrate the 4th of July any day he wants. =)
excuse me but if canada was a state of the united states we be the biggest state of the states & texas won't like that as the saying goes "there is nothing bigger then texas".
Texas then would be the third largest state, we always joke about the fact that Alaska could split in two and make Texas the third largest state to annoy the heck out of them. I have cousins who live in Montreal and they were concerned that if Quebec did indeed declare its independance from the rest of Canada, some of the other provinces would petition to join the states. Thank the Lord that never happened eh?
quebec can't seperate from canada at it's current size because quebec can only seperate from canada at her 1867 border boundries which is about 100 to 200 miles on either side of the st. lawrence river. the same would happen with ontario & some of the other provinces. the reason for that was that canada bought that land from the hudson bay company & gave that land to the provinces for adminastrative purposes.