When i am setting up my card using the latest firmware and when i am starting the ds ia getting the following message:LOADING....FAke card!please return to retailer.i have a r4i card and the micro sd is Kingston 4 gb. Every time i am putting the card inside always the same.PLEASE can anyone help me?????
Then return it! In the long run it will be the best option, go for a AceKard 2i, Supercard or EZ Flash Vi all far better cards.
Hi, I just got a genuine R4i-SDHC card (I checked the Truth Inquiry code on the website) and installed kernal 1.08b on it, and I got the same error message when booting up. I think this might be because I re-used the same SD card that I was using in my R4 for the DS lite. I formatted this SD card and copied the new software back on to it, and that seemed to fix my issue. Try formatting your memory card and see if that sorts your problem out.
I have format the memory card several times but i still get the same error.I use the kernel update from the original site of the card but nothing.I don't know what to do.And if i by another card and i have the same error?Is there is anything to do with the version of the ds?it's a brand new.
No its not the DS - its the R4, there are 36 cards calling themselves R4, most are awful, just read all the threads on non working cards. Buy something else - AceKard, Edge, Cyclods, M3 Real, EZ Flash - there are loads of decent cards!
So, there is no alternative software to set up on the card? I bought the card in a dodgy store in another country, so returning it is not an option. Throwing it out would kind of suck too. S.
You can try all the firmwares and one may get it in to life, the site in my signature hosts them all.
ok v1.8 now works fine for me got the firmware from http://linfoxdomain.com/nintendo/ds/dl.php/r4isdhc_R4_v1.08b_English.rar try that one should do the job did for me and others
Thank you very much for the firmware v 1.8,Now my card opens corectly but when i am trying to choose a game the ds freeze.Do you know what happen?
it freeze sometimes for me but it works fine when i turn it off and on again or eject and re insert the r4 car