Ugh i don't know what the hell happened but for some reason my micro won't click and stay in the m3 slot. Anyone else have this problem before? It still works as i have to tape the micro shut onto the shell but i frequently update my micro with new games and such. I've been thinking of opening the shell up to see what's wrong but i want to see if anyone else had this problem before and if there's any other way to fix it. All helpful comments welcome thank!
When pushing the MicroSD card in the M3 push down and give a little pressure sideways toward the notch side of the MicroSD card. If that doesn't work then get a small Phillips screw driver and open the M3 Simply up. Now try to pry the spring out of the slot that the MicroSD card goes into. Doing this will let you slide the MicroSD card into the M3 Simply without the spring pushing it back out.