I have a Xecuter 3 with a X3 3294 build. My modded dash is a evox. My problem started when my xbox could'nt read burned games anymore so I put in slayers auto install disc thinking it would fix it but it didnt, it made it worst i could no longer go on the microsoft dash. Aslo when i turn on my xbox with the mod disabled i get the "your xbox need technical support" but when i try to accesss the microsoft dash through evox i get the 21 error i cant play original games neither now and it doesnt read slayers auto install disk no more.
Here's the great thing about hard modded boxes. You can always boot from an installation disk. Launch the AID DVD and choose install MS Dash 5960 and you should be able to boot to the dashboard from both Evox and with the chip disabled (your disk is locked, right?)
Oops, that was from AID. From Slayer's, choose: Apps/upgrade/lock/format Then go to : Inst/Restore M$ Dash (5960) 125ead00 on (C
Have you read the Slayer's Manual? If not, you can get it here: 2.6 manual or 2.7 manual or go to the website to answer some more FAQ's
I downloaded the lastes auto installer and burned it but my xbox wont read the disc, the wierd thing i can go to the microsoft dash with the mod enalbed but cant go on it with it disabled so i cant even play xbox live or ill get banned