Microsoft DV Driver woes

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by glenpinn, Sep 16, 2004.

  1. glenpinn

    glenpinn Guest

    hi there.

    well i got a doozie for you all, maybe someone else got the same problem as i have now.

    i have a panasonic NV-GS70 3ccd mini dv camcorder, and i use onboard firewire on my asus a7n8x del mobo to transfer the video to my h/drive.
    i have never had any problems b4 capturing my dv from camera to h/drive on any of my 6 capture programs, everything always worked great.
    BUT, i recently installed win xp sp2 and now i cant get any program to capture my videos.
    i can still get photos ok, its the DV componant that doesnt work.
    i tried to capture on PREMIER 6.5 and got the following error message.

    "unable to connect to native microsoft DV support on this machine, this setting was designed ONLY to work with an OHCI ieee firewire/ilink card, with approved microsoft DV driver. uninstall the drivers of your OHCI 1394 firewire/ilink card (in my case i have onboard firewire on my asus a7n8x del mobo) then install the new drivers in the add new hardware section in the control panel"

    can anyone please help with any advice as to what all this means, do i need to uninstall my firewire or dv drivers and get new ones, and where would i get them from, cant find anything at microsoft.

    btw, just incase anyone needs to know, my 6 capture programs are premier 6.5, DVIO 1.32, MainConcept 1.4.2, arcsoft showbiz, sonic MyDVD and the crappy nero vision xpress (only ever use MainConcept and premier) and none will work at all, howerver, i do get an image on the nero capture screen i think, but wont start the capture, i dont get an image at all on the others, all give me errors.

    would appreciate any help, this has me completely baffled.....cheers.....GLEN
  2. flaur

    flaur Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    i'm having a similar problem.
    i have a jvc gr-d20e camcorder. i use it on my comp with onboard firewire port on a mb gigabyte 7vaxp. i think that is something related to the win xp sp2 flaw which is said that it's turning a firewire 800 into firewire 100.

    anyway, i have a firewire 400 so i don't know for sure if it's related to this thing; on the other hand i'm having this problem only under win xp with sp2 instaled. reinstaling win xp the capture works fine.

    a solution i was told is to, if you want to install sp2, to replace the files regarding firewire from sp2 with those from sp1. i did'nt try it till now.

    now, is there anyone who can tell me if there are diver updates for firewire port? i use only the drivers that win xp installs by it self. no gigabyte drivers provided with the mainboard
  3. glenpinn

    glenpinn Guest

    hi there.
    well i still havent got it fixed, i guess i can uninstall sp2 and re-install sp1, but thats going backwards as sp2 made lots of programs and software not work correctly, and have already fixed all those.
    this problem only occured after i put sp2 on, so i gues its corrupted my OHCI compliant ieee controller drivers on my mobo, im calling microsoft in sydney tomorrow to ask.
    otherwise ill have to contact ASUS and see if they know how i can fix it (asus takes weeks to reply to emails)

    ill let u know how it goes, but im not going back to sp1 now, and im not doing a fresh install cos if i put sp2 back on illl have the same problem again.

    cheers, ill see what happens.....GLEN
  4. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    I found a site with instructions for replacing the SP2 firewire drivers with the SP1 drivers. It isn't specific to your problems, but it might fix them since they seem to stem from the firewire drivers. I haven't tested this fix myself because the PC I use to transfer from my DV camcorder is still running SP1, so don't take this as an endorsement of the instructions, but here's the link if you want to try it for yourself.
  5. flaur

    flaur Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    thanks vurbal for the tip
    anyway i think this method to keep firewire drivers from sp1 in sp2 is simpler. just do as follows:

    1. in archive of sp1, copy the following files:
    these files are to be found in <sp1_unpacked_files>\new\

    2. go to archive of sp2 and replace the files with the same name with the files from sp1
    in sp2 these files can be found in <sp2_unpacked_files>\i386\

    i did not tested yet this method, i suppose is correct but i cannot tell for sure. maybe this week some time... :)
    and actually i really prefer some oficial driver / update / fix for this issue from ms or the manufactures

    ps: one thing i don't get it. at was some info about the file enum1394.sys. i could'nt find this one on either of the archives sp1 or sp2, though it is on my install directory of xp under system32\drivers; and there is also a enum1394.inf together with enum1394.pnf in inf directory. is this mean that these files are not changed with the upgrade to sp1 or sp2?

    pps: i call sp1 / sp2 archives because this is what they actually are: self extracting archives and someone can dearchivating them with a tool or another (totalcomander for example use ctrl + pg down)
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2004
  6. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    If the problem is actually a bad Microsoft driver, it will probably stay broken until MS releases a fix. Until then it may be necessary to either use the SP1 drivers if you want to transfer DV with your firewire port.

    If those 2 files aren't found in the SP2 archive, they probably aren't updated, but as I said before, don't take my word for it since I'm still running SP1.
  7. flaur

    flaur Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    oooo, our beloved god microsoft, please save us
  8. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Scary thought, isn't it?
  9. Jane_c

    Jane_c Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    hi there,

    i'm facing the same problems that are described here. i am working at a company and i am using a software developed for capturing and archiving avi files.

    i tried nearly everything to get this software to work again with sp2 but nothing helped. it worked absolutely fine with sp1 and after de-installing sp2. but our computers will be delivered only with sp2 in future. for me there is no known posibility to remove sp2 if it is already delivered with WinXP and not installed afterwards. but i guess even deinstalling isnt the solution, software should simply work with the service pack. have you heard this Bill Gates ??!!

    ok, what i tried ..

    for example i tested the software with sp1 and the new DirectX 9.0c. cause i thougth maybe DirectX would be the problem. but everything works fine with the new version. we even used the DirectX tool GraphEdit to determine if there are any problems with DirectX.

    then i tried the solution for the firewire 800 problem (i am using firewire 400) described at without success.

    i tried different computers an d different options. nothing worked

    i am still not through with all the testing ... so maybe there is a solution ... somewhere ... ;-))

    Bye and good luck with Service Pack 2
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2004
  10. flaur

    flaur Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    i say let's pray together... :)
  11. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    I think if you're waiting for Microsoft to fix a problem human sacrifice might be more appropriate 8D
  12. flaur

    flaur Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    who offers? :)
    maybe we should sacrifice mr. bill? but then who'll solve this problem?

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