What is up with this intrusive little gem of Microsoft's. I am cleaning up my MP3's, not even playing them and a Microsoft page pops up in my browser telling me to license a song, not even sure what song it was referring to. Is there some way to defeat this spying?
That is a typical Microsoft move. I stopped my automatic updates last year. MS is a bigger threat than hackers. I do not want any upgrades after one update screwed up my office apps. I had up graded my C drive and cloned the old disk to the new one. Everything was fine a few months later after an update it wanted me to re install. After the reinstallation I still had the problem. The process just has a screw lose. Now I can not right click and open office products. Microsoft is just getting too much. If I ddn't have so much software for Windows I would switch to Unix. However, I have bought my last MS product! Those bastards ought to rot in hell! I can't help you with your problem. MS is always foisting half baked watchdog programs on the public that have serious side effects. The public is their toilet!