I've got a copy of Office 2003 loaded onto one of my computers. When I try to get it on my new one (Vista), it doesn't work. It says that there's some weird error. Do I have to re-copy it or something?
well it would help if we knew what the problem is llike what error, are you just trying to copy the program from your other system? you will need to open the exe,file to get it installed
This is what it says. "Error 1335. The cabinet file YS165401. CAB required for this installation is corrupt and can't be used. This could indicate a network error, or an error reading the CD-ROM.
sounds like you need a better copy, do you not have the orginal disk for office 2003? just use the install disk and go from there.
I have a copied disk. If that's the problem would it be okay if I just downloaded one from the internet. The disk worked fine on my old computer.
I just wanted to know if the stuff that is available for downloads is good enough quality to work properly. Thanks!
It isn't.. Deprecated from office xp release, which should work. As M$ are plugging office 2007 I don't think they are going to use much effort to make obsolete software compatable. You can always go a different route by ditching the expensive M$ applications.. OpenOffice is reported to work excellently on vista. http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/WindowsVista download (totally free and legal) from http://www.openoffice.org/
Microsoft word 2003 is compatible with vista i have it on my computer right now and i havent had any problems with it.
I checked my facts in the wasteland of the microsoft technical pages themselves.. Office 2003 was released for windows ME/2000 crossover compatability. It isn't really compatable with anything running a fully implemented NTFS file system, which was why it was rebuilt from the ground up as office xp. Word is a very simple application.. even the one from windows 3.1 will run on vista, the spread sheets and publication applications not so much. In conclusion.. Office XP should work fine.. Office 2007 is guaranteed to work, and you want to try Visio.. it's really amazing for an M$ product. But OpenOffice is free and does everything either the same or better.. (I'm well known for bashing M$.. why can't everything they make be as intuitive and easy as visio?) aside:: frikkin noobs coming along spouting off about vista, and after we were being so nice and helpful too. 2 days and so much to learn... Not like us at all when it comes to that pile of crap is it?.. But we thought "heres somebody with a genuine question.. using old software because he/she probably needs it and can't afford anything new, so we can be sympathetic, understanding, helpful and nice" and then some muppet arrives.......and spoils everything... sorry original poster..and any mods.. but it really does get my back up when I spend 2 hours in the craphole of the M$ technical pages looking for info amongst all the gobbledegook just to have an "expert" arrive and contradict what is correct data..... I'm going back to bashing vista now.. First poster.. I hope you find a solution to your problem. good luck.
Yeah, office 2007 should work fine with Vista, because it was released at the same time...but it's kind of expencive.
yes office 2003 will work with vista, and st_nick you can download 2003 from microsofts homepage, but it is not free, when you installed the 2003 on your other computor did it install allright? also sandwich1 office2007 better work with vista because they are plugging it real hard for vista, would be rather foolish if it did not don't you think?
I certainly wouldn't pay for something made back in fat32 days.. 2003.. that's an age ago. Office 2007 is available in all the "usual places" not that I'm in any way suggesting that you go there. It's the spreadsheet applications that hit troubles, just so you know.