Has anyone had a problem getting this to work on their modded xbox? Mine is modded and I cannot get it to work. I ran the installer "Game" that came with it and everything seems right but when I try to FTP into my xbox it does nothing. If I unlpug it and plug my hardwire in I get a signal 1,2,3... Any ideas folks? PLowran
well do u have the correct ip including the decimals thingy the correct username correct password then it should work if not then idk wat to do
LOL Im a IT PRO Ive been doing it since I was 9. I have been doing it professonally for about 7 years. Thats simple stuff. I dont know what the prob is
Damn Skippy and dont you forget it. LOL Still having problems thought, everything sets up no problem, on the Xbox or if I use it on my PC, but as soon as I try to open a net window on the pc or ftp into the xbox it does nothing.
its ur username the thing u enter at the top and ur password its usualy the username is: xbox and the password is: xbox
Well I got it working... Sort Of... It picks up all the info but I still cannot FTP into the damn thing. In order to set up the Wireless Router you have to use a unmodded xbox, theres something with the config that wont let a modded xbox set it up. So out came my stock 8Gig drive. It set up 1,2,3...and it noticed my network, but my network wouldnt notice it. I couldnt FTP it, couldnt Ping it, and I have IP Sniffing software that couldnt detect it, so Im just trying to get my $$$ back and just use a basic Linksys Router. Dont Buy M$ Crap like this, this is great proof that there tryin to hold us back LOL Holla