I am using Word 2003. Most Word documents are opening fine, but some quite slowly. I am trying to isolate the reason why this happens. Of the ones which open slower, they appear to be those received as attachments in email. They are virus free, but for some reason they take maybe 20 seconds to open, as opposed to the normal speed. Its not every email received document, just some (very few actually but some!) Can anyone suggest a way to check what is the reason.
do you have any anti-virus software installed? it's just the document gets scanned before it is opened.
Thakns for the reply. Yes, have Zone Alarm (and also tried it on another machine with F-Secure - it did the same thing). but, this does not happen with all Word docuemnts received by email, only on occasional ones. And, when the document is saved to hard disk, it still takes that extra time to open.
it could also depend on the content of the word doc. i.e one's that are loaded with pictures, animated gif, movies or sounds would also lead to longer loading times.
Sorry, I should have mentioned. The document (thinking of 2 of them) were not large in size - one was 58 KB, the other 62 KB - the only graphics they had were in the header/footer. Copies of the text (and graphics) pasted in ablank document and essentially looking the same, they open normally. Other documents over 2MB open quite easily.