Middle East Crisis-your opinions are welcome

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by omar3333, Aug 6, 2006.

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  1. omar3333

    omar3333 Regular member

    Jun 17, 2006
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    ok well im particualarly pissed off about whats happening in the middle east right now, coming from Lebanon and having visited there twice. the place had already been bombarded by the presence of Israeli soldiers for a 16 year period until a full withdrawl in 2000. here they are again, over 700 lebanese dead, most of them civilians. meanwhile Hezbollah rockets are slamming into Israel, though not causing nearly as much damage as Israel on the latter; having displaced over 700,000 lebanese and causing over 40,000 canadians to flee the country. not to mention the damage to the mediterranean sea. after an Israeli airstrike bombed 3 oil drums, an entire oil drum dumped into the mediterranean sea. the beaches are now coated with oily sludge, and the water is thick with it. the estimated cost of the damage to the sea alone is around $150,000,00. that is not to mention the other hundreds of millions of dollars to repair the completely destroyed buildings! and nobody can put a price on the ruined economy of Lebanon, and of course nobody can put a price on the rising number of casualties. now i have not forgotten the Israeli casualties and buildings, but the damage is not nearly as devastating as Lebanons especially after they have done all they could to rebuilt the country after being invaded for 16 years!

    the current number of casualties in:

    Lebanon: over 700

    Israel: 96

    now Lebanon does not have the money, and i personally think they should be sending the bill to Israel, considering they have done all of the damage!

    Post your opinions about the Mid-East Crisis.
  2. Polyarny

    Polyarny Regular member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    i personally give props to the israelites,and thats all i will say. i will say though that this thread probalby wont get to far before it is closed. political crap usually doesnt get to far here on aD before it turns into a flame war and everything just ends up in a big mess. but props to this thread if it does go far.
  3. hade

    hade Regular member

    Jan 12, 2006
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    i could imagine it being difficult to accept what is happening in lebanon, considering you are from their. however you do blame israel or i should say want to hold them accountable, yet there is not too much mentioned about hezbollah's part in all this. given the circumstances, israel reacted the way i think they should have.

    Member of an irregular military force fighting small-scale, limited actions, in concert with an overall political-military strategy, against conventional military forces. Guerrilla tactics involve constantly shifting attacks, sabotage, and terrorism."

    as far as arsenal is concerned, israel has a pretty advanced military with superior weaponry that is fighting a militant group of guerrillas. it is unfortunate, but there will always be collateral damage in war.

    conventional warfare seems to be a thing of the past. urban fighting can be very costly and apparently israel would rather bomb the hell out of things than risk loss of their own soldiers. its hard fighting an enemy that hides or blends in with the rest of civilian population. right now israel is making a statement and good for them. they are a country that just might be fighting for their own survival.

    a country faces serious problems when other nations, leaders, societies fail to recognize their existence! what or how should israel react given the circumstances?
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2006
  4. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    hezbollah started this mess kidnapping Israel soldiers. heres the problems

    why does the Lebanon people let hezbollah corrupt there government. and they state they want to wipe Israel off the map. so should Israel stand by and let it happen. no way there going to fight back.

    there terrorist NOT part of the government. Iran and Syria are part of the problem(supplying hezbollah) and stated they want to wipe Israel off the map. so should everyone just stand by and let it happen NO way there going to fight back. its a big mess in which nooone wins.

    so if Lebanon would not have let hezbollah highjack there government this wouldn't be happening. wars hell for sure .lets hope it can be fixed

    the middle east has 50 more years of oil left then its [bold] GAME OVER [/bold] they have no kind of economy. we cant let evil win and it will not!!!!

    BTW hezbollah fights like cowards with NO uniforms mixing into and use woman and child for human shields.

    hezbollah/terrorist are like a cancer to society and need to be terminated like rats
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2006
  5. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Yes, but I think when they "run" out of oil, American will take advantage of it and have merchandise manufactured thier for cheap labor kind of like some Asian countries as in China and Taiwan
  6. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    maybe we will see in 50 years or so
  7. Niobis

    Niobis Active member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    Ah, humans. Why can you not stop fighting each other? Why do you have to kill?

    One anwser and one anwser only: religon! We have to fight over meaningless ideas and meaningless power.

    I am so sick of this! The U.S. and Afghanistan. The U.S. and Iraq. And now Israel and Hezbollah! That's just counting the major ones that we hear about day after day.

    Imagine the possibilities if we were not fighting. Just take a moment to thing of where we would be in knowledge...

    For example: When The Library of Alexandria in Egypt was burned we lost the ancient world's single greatest archive of knowledge. Imagine where you would be right now if that one library had not been destroyed. You wouldn't be on you computer reading this post because you could be on another planet living in peace! That may sound extreme but, we lost about 200 years or so of inteligence all because of fighting!

    Humans have and always will be cancer to this planet. And it's not looking any better. Global Warming is out of control...but that's another subject. Not one thing we do is constructive. We destroy everything we see and use. But, it's not our fault...is it? We have to do this to survive. Humans do not deserve to survive here on this planet!

    I can't wait for the day when that big rock in the sky comes right for us and hits at head on. Everything will be abliterated, nothing will survive, except maybe bateria! I will rejoice the day when I turn on CNN and I hear "expected to hit in 24 hours", "all attempts have failed." I will enjoy watching all this go away!

    But, personally I don't think we will even make it that long. We will destroy ourselves before it has time to get here through war...and for what? What do we have to show for it?
  8. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Sorry guys but this thread will amount to nothing more than a microcosm of the entire Middle Eastern --> senseless fighting.

    My sentiments EXACTLY! :)
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2006
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