most users on the ntl network are the first to be hit with the nagra3 changeover... coventry leamington spa some parts of wolverhampton rescanning isnt helping, telewest will be next,and finally ec&w... also note,that if your in a telewest area,u can scan on ec&w also... on a personal note,i recall being critizised back in january 2010,when i stated that we had 2 months left till nra3 will be rolling out in the uk....and low and behold,i guess i was right!the last laugh is on me! itll be sometime around june 2010 when everyone will be on nagra3,theres no fix apart from goin the cs route either on cable or sky or direct........ ...a happy easter to all afterdawn members.
This must be one of the most patethic posts on this forum for some time!! and that is saying something!! You might want to recheck the month of your post!! or the year!! You and others like you were on every few weeks with a story about N3 coming out in the next month (or 2 months or 3 months!!) and when it did not happen ye were nowhere to be seen. Now that is is happening you are back to tell us you were right. Here is a link to one of your posts, in case you don't recall it!! January 2009 !!! Maybe you should edit it !!! Pathetic.
Oh another one here!! full of your usual standard of information.
thanks, wanted to respond but couldn't find the right words. all very well expressed in last two posts. nothing necessary to add