Mikä on hiberfil.sys?

Discussion in 'Windows -ongelmat' started by antti94, Jul 14, 2005.

  1. antti94

    antti94 Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    Mikä tuo kyseinen tiedosto on?Voiko sen poistaa?Käyttis on xp professional
  2. vempula

    vempula Regular member

    Aug 8, 2004
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    Se on windowsin Hibernate-toimintoo liittyvä .sys tiedosto..
    This new feature is called Windows hibernation. Instead of shutting down and restarting your computer, Windows takes a snapshot of everything running on your system, copies it to the hard drive and then turns off most of your hardware. To wake up from hibernation you normally move the mouse or hit the spacebar on the keyboard.

    In theory, it is supposed to be a quick shortcut or power saving option that allows you to leave your PC in suspended animation until you are ready to work again. However, in practice, most people find little time difference between shutting down and using hibernation.

    Hiberfil.sys - how to safely delete hiberfil.sys or use it on Windows XP. http://www.softwarepatch.com/tips/hiberfil-sys-xp.html

    Voit siis poistaa tuon hibernaten käytöstä jos et sitä tartte, tiedostoa ei varmaan kannata suoraan lähtee poistamaan.. tuskin windows edes suostuu dellaan sitä :)
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2005

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