Hi Guys, I am looking at converting an AVI file to a dvd but the avi file resolution i just downloaded was around 350ish x 250ish and ehwn i blow it to full screen on the computer it becomes a bit blurry, is this what will hapen if i burn it to dvd and play it on the tv screen, if so what should be the minimum resolution avi that i download?
Encode it at the same aspect as the source, or as close to it as you can get. In this case, it's called 1/4-D1, at 352x240 for NTSC or 352x288 for PAL. Use max bitrate, and still have it fit on one dvdr.
Thanks mate, ill try that using the software that is mentioned in this forum and ill see how it goes, hopefully it comes out pretty good quality.
Avoid making a 350x250 AVI --> DVD (720x480). Garbege in = garbage out. A VCD or even a KVCD will have the same quality (and making them will be a lot faster).