I successfully converted Harry Potter from avi movie to dvd using Afonic's (I think) excellent user guide on this very website. I recommend it; it's idiot proof and very easy to follow....however using tpmgenc it takes (my p4 2.66) 24 hours to convert in total including burning. I moved to Main Concept mpeg encoder which Minion recommended. It's brilliant - does the conversion in under an hour except - I now have a single mpeg file video and audio combined 4.41gb (Anger Management) which, when I go to author and prepare for buring DVDShrink or ifoedit wont recognise and open. Is the problem that the film is in a single file? What do I do with it? CAn I burn it direct or will recode in Nero deal with it for me. I gotta admit - I'm a-stumped.
Hectar run the mpeg file thru tmpegenc dvd author to create vobs, etc. compress it with dvd2one, burn 1 copy, see what it's turned out like.audio & synch may be ok, most of 'em i've done this way turn out fine.
Run it into TMPGEnc DVD Author and it provides excellent results. If you get stuck, I have a guide on my site which goes step by step. (Link below) Good luck mate!
Thanks, I tried running it through tmpegenc but when I go to load the file it freezes and becomes a non responding proggie. Thinking like to have a bad download (of tmpegenc I downloaded again and it still freezes. My converted file has a Windows media player logo - is alone all by itself on a D:\drive (of 30 gb) and the properties say "read-only " and I cant uncheck the box it wont let me - the swine!
I think the file may be corrupt then. Try and make the file again but follow my guide and see if it gets better results (Not saying #Afonics guides is no good!). When you convert the AVI file into a DVD compliant MPEG, make sure that you have set the correct bitrate (EG: 2364 = 4.4GB), which will determain the overall file size at the end.
Thanks for that Koola, I hadn't read your last post before I took the somewhat long road for the shortcut approach and decided to format my c: drive again and using the restore disk. I figured there may well have been a codec conflict of some sort as I'd been busy trialling and erroring lots of trial downloads of rippers , authors etc. Anyway on a fresh install tmpegenc reads the file which is a step forward but then freezes again. I then tried running NVE and it is doing it in, about three hours including burning. So, if successful in this approach, I think I'll stick to the Main Concept avi to mpeg then NVE route as it means I can have a full dvd of an avi movie in a total of about six hours unlike the guide approach which though foolproof takes literally a whole day .