Minion Heeeelp! Main Concept Mpeg stuff- wont author

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by hectar, Nov 27, 2003.

  1. hectar

    hectar Guest

    I successfully converted Harry Potter from avi movie to dvd using Afonic's (I think) excellent user guide on this very website. I recommend it; it's idiot proof and very easy to follow....however using tpmgenc it takes (my p4 2.66) 24 hours to convert in total including burning.

    I moved to Main Concept mpeg encoder which Minion recommended. It's brilliant - does the conversion in under an hour except - I now have a single mpeg file video and audio combined 4.41gb (Anger Management) which, when I go to author and prepare for buring DVDShrink or ifoedit wont recognise and open.

    Is the problem that the film is in a single file? What do I do with it? CAn I burn it direct or will recode in Nero deal with it for me. I gotta admit - I'm a-stumped.
  2. safc_66

    safc_66 Regular member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    run the mpeg file thru tmpegenc dvd author to create vobs, etc. compress it with dvd2one, burn 1 copy, see what it's turned out & synch may be ok, most of 'em i've done this way turn out fine.
  3. koola

    koola Guest

    Run it into TMPGEnc DVD Author and it provides excellent results.

    If you get stuck, I have a guide on my site which goes step by step. (Link below)

    Good luck mate!
  4. hectar

    hectar Guest

    I tried running it through tmpegenc but when I go to load the file it freezes and becomes a non responding proggie. Thinking like to have a bad download (of tmpegenc I downloaded again and it still freezes. My converted file has a Windows media player logo - is alone all by itself on a D:\drive (of 30 gb) and the properties say "read-only " and I cant uncheck the box it wont let me - the swine!
  5. koola

    koola Guest

    I think the file may be corrupt then. Try and make the file again but follow my guide and see if it gets better results (Not saying #Afonics guides is no good!).

    When you convert the AVI file into a DVD compliant MPEG, make sure that you have set the correct bitrate (EG: 2364 = 4.4GB), which will determain the overall file size at the end.
  6. hectar

    hectar Guest

    Thanks for that Koola,
    I hadn't read your last post before I took the somewhat long road for the shortcut approach and decided to format my c: drive again and using the restore disk. I figured there may well have been a codec conflict of some sort as I'd been busy trialling and erroring lots of trial downloads of rippers , authors etc. Anyway on a fresh install tmpegenc reads the file which is a step forward but then freezes again. I then tried running NVE and it is doing it in, about three hours including burning. So, if successful in this approach, I think I'll stick to the Main Concept avi to mpeg then NVE route as it means I can have a full dvd of an avi movie in a total of about six hours unlike the guide approach which though foolproof takes literally a whole day .
  7. koola

    koola Guest

    No probs hectar, I'm glad to see you have it sussed!

    It only get easier from here on.

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