I'm not sure what happen but it seems my minisd won't insert and stick into the m3adapter. I don't want to open it up and find out what is wrong with it. Does anyone have a clue why it suddenly stop inserting. What I mean is that before when i put in the minisd it would stick into place, like some magnet held it in. Now when I put in the minisd it just won't stick into place but instead slide back out. Any help would be appreciated thank you.
Hello,I think your card may has some proble.You can format it ,and check it by Reader or Adapter.If it still doesn't work,you can contact your seller or buy a new one.If you want to buy,I can give you some news about this item which is very cheap and great in a store.
This problem sounds familiar. When I try to insert my micro SD card into the M3 simply, sometimes it won't stay down (all the way in) and pops back out a few milimetres. I find you have to get the right angle for it to go in correctly. Chances are there is just something faulty about my M3 simply, but since I can usually get it to stick after a couple of tries, I have no real complaints. If yours won't stay down at all, I recommend contacting the people you bought it from.