I just got a miro video dc30 plus and i have drivers only for 98se 2000 nt40 not for xp. can anybody tell me if i can install it under xp or shoud i install win2000. did anybody else work with this capture card? if so i would like some tips using it. thanks.
i tried the link mirosupport.de allready and the dude wants me to mail him 10 euro for the cd with the driver. it will take several weeks to get it. i am looking for a link to download it from. for ddp: the win2k driver does not work. tried it allready. any other advice? thank you anyway for traying.
go to www.pinnaclesys.com as they have the XP driver in the support section. it is a 218kb v1.1 file & it is free??
if that Xp driver from pinnaclesys.com doesn't work, disable compatiblity wizard in xp & try one of the older drivers
Praetor, the link you gave me is for driver 1.41. I allready have driver 1.42 and it does not work in XP. I need driver 1.5 now to update 1.42, or the WDM 2.0 drivers that work with XP. The only problem is that you can only find them at www.mirosupport.de and not free. I would gladly pay but by the time the driver gets from Germany to Romania (my country), i would surely get bored. And why should i pay for the drivers! The drivers are supposed to be free of charge. It is not enough that i paied for the card? Anyway my problem is still the same. Thank you for searching.
just been to www.virtualdub.org & they have both v1.5.10(stable) & v1.6(experimental) in their downloads section
argintex, have you resolved the problem? i'm in the same shit here(a se citi aceeasi tara), can't find 1.5 driver anywhere. I wrote to that guy.. i would pay him 12 bucks but i have to wait a long time. If you found the driver please contact me, my e-mail adress is war2001ro@yahoo.com And ddp, what's the deal with virtualdub...wrong thread dude!
Hey! Looks like you've got many people searching for that XP driver with no luck. I have two memberships with driver finders and come up with 0. This is the problem with companies that bail. I guess your down to two options. Either pay the euro guy and wait or install 2000 and pay the guy and upgrade when you get it.
i came to the conclusion that miro dc30 SUCKS, it only has capture (analog), output and timeline preview, no realtime anything, the hell with it!!! I won't buy it.