If I were to buy a new hard drive can i just copy all the files from one to the other and it will work just the same? how oucl i go about that if i cant do it that way?
It is possible to do that, however, the easiest way to accomplish that is if you have the Cenium ICE chip with it's new OS, there is a feature that lets you replicate a hdd.....really cool and efficient!
id hook it up to my computer and drag the files? will tha work? if it does work i only want the system files, the games i can get again, which folders are the files in?
That's another way to transfer files, the most you should basically copy everything over to your computer, even the folder that has the games..but what you should do is make a dedicated folder for the transfered files, called it "Xbox Hdd" or something then transfer eveything into that, as for the games, transfer the folder there in, but , if you want, you can delete them before or after you transfered them. p.s: reply if you need any clarification, i would gladly help out!
but whne i get the new hd i can just transfer the files back and it will work? nothing to install or anything like that?
What program are you going to use? And secondly, what do you mean "but whne i get the new hd i can just transfer the files back and it will work" transfer what to what? old hdd to new hdd or new hdd to old hdd...you have to transfer the files from the retail (old)hdd to the new hdd first, you can't do it the other way around. BTW...you can't do that right of the box, you have to format the new hdd, xbox style ..meaning it has to be formatted in a special way, inorder for the xbox to read...thats alitlle more work..
Buddy, i said that already...."BTW...you can't do that right of the box, you have to format the new hdd, xbox style ..meaning it has to be formatted in a special way, inorder for the xbox to read"........