Hi All, I am not a newbie at this, I have a DM500c and have been using neutrino since i got it, I don't like the picture quality and am trying to put Gemini onto it. I tried the 3.30 and 3.40 max var images and when I did a scan I got no channels. I then messed around and evetually by accident got all the channels to scan in but they were blank and no sound. So my question is, can somebody tell me where to put the key files, and also how to install the latest evocamd on a gemini image. Also has anyone noticed that movies 9 and 10 are not available anymore? I know these are th pin coded ones, is there new keys available to get these? Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks Sham.
Connect the box to your router and install the emus and config files via online update and blue pannel. The keys and rom files go to var/keys.
Thanks mgb. any ideas about the pin coded channels? I also have a mate who has the missing channels on a eurovox max? Thanks Sham
You get the movie channels twice. A channel with pincode picture and a channel with the real picture.
Cheers Don't recall seeing two of them. Is there anything I have to do or are they there already? I will try this when I get home. Thanks.