Missing minute!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by potherb, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. potherb

    potherb Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Hi folks,
    Strang one here I think. I have burned around 7 dvd's from avi files with no problem. The last 2 however are causing problems. Pirates 2 and over the hedge. Both of these burn fine BUT when I play them in my standalone player they both start aprrox 1-1.5 minutes in! I can fast rewind and all the titles are there so then i hit play andit is ok. I have no problems with any other dvd 's all done in the same way . When I use power dvd or vlc to play the disc on the computer it works fine. I know that media may be an issue but it is the same media for all and these are the only 2 i am having problems with. I have even tried to burn them again using different software only to get the same result in case i had a dodgy media. I have tried all types of software ie dvd santa, win avi , clone dvd I am at aloss and tearing what little hair I have left out. Anyone any ideas
  2. revengine

    revengine Regular member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    Interesting problem potherb. Sounds like something that could make you pull your hair out, lol. I'm curious are you burning the movie only, or the complete DVD with trailers seens etc; ?
  3. potherb

    potherb Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Happy New Year revengine. I am just burning the movie only converted from an avi file. When it plays on the computer everything is there. Another interesting point is that a friend played it on his standalone player and it played from the beginning BUT on another player it started 1 minute in! The really strange part is that you can rewind the dvd and all the beginning is there. As I said I tried another burn in case I got something wrong and it starts in exactly the same place. The only other explanation I can grasp onto is that pirates was out of sync at first and I fixed it by delaying the audio but I can't see that really making any difference as it plays perfectly after the minute thing.No other movie has done this before or since. quite a challenge really, and I hate the computer beating me!
  4. revengine

    revengine Regular member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    Thanks for Happy New Year. Sounds like one of those idiosyncrosy problems that i'm unfamiliar with. Lets see if someone else can help with this. Don't give up on your challenge, and let your computer beat you, lol.

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