mix max player by disney

Discussion in 'Portable audio players' started by mrtixmax, Jan 1, 2008.

  1. mrtixmax

    mrtixmax Member

    Jan 1, 2008
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    please note i have gotten an mix max player for my 9 year old daughter now i am trying to figure out how to put video onto the memory card so she can watch them they are avi video files and would like to use free software if at all possible thank you in advance
  2. BozoKlown

    BozoKlown Member

    Mar 29, 2005
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    I got one of these for my 6 year old daughter. I have successfully added audio tracks in mp3 format on this but cannot get it to play video except the disney pre recorded sd card. According to the owners manual it should play wmv9 video but I have yet to get it do do so with video that plays on my computer. I will be watching this thread to see if anyone has a fix for this.
  3. rdmst

    rdmst Member

    Jan 17, 2008
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    Disney really only wanted this thing to play the preformatted cards, but there is a backdoor so to speak. Basically, you will need software to convert video files, AVI or otherwise, to WMV format. Once they are in WMV format, you will need the Windows Media Encoder to re-encode them into a WMV9 format. At that point, they can be played on the mix max. The Media encoder will convert some files, eliminating the first step, but it will not do all of them. Best to get them into WMV format first then go through the encoder. When using the Windows Media Encoder, follow the directions here: http://disney.memorexelectronics.com/downloads/DMP9050_WMV_encoding.pdf
  4. BozoKlown

    BozoKlown Member

    Mar 29, 2005
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    Thanks rdmst......I found the same info after a lot of google searching. The method on the pdf coupled with windows media encoder worked fine for me and I now have several videos on my daughters' Mix Max.
  5. mrmovie

    mrmovie Member

    Jul 20, 2006
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    I'm currently working with Digital blue on this issue. I keep getting "file not supported". It may be that since the video files I've created started as AVI or VOB that the end resulting WMV that I get from windows media encoder is not playing due to file not originally being a WMA. I'm going to email tech support a sample file for their examination/determination.
  6. mrmovie

    mrmovie Member

    Jul 20, 2006
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    I was just not usig the correct setings. I'm having no problem now.

    But I do have the 5:33a clock reset issue. No matter what I do, it keeps resetting to 5:33a ...?
  7. nephmon

    nephmon Member

    Feb 7, 2008
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    I've got this working with WME, but WME is so limited in terms of the file formats it can read, and it's so crash-prone, that I'd much rather use Adone Premiere. Although I use EXACTLY the same encoding parameters to encode in Premiere, the mixmax player still gives me that annoying "can't play this file" message.

    Has anyone managed to get Premiere to generate a file acceptable to this fussy little player?

  8. cd1234

    cd1234 Member

    Feb 19, 2008
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    Hi everyone, having trouble I see getting videos to play on the mix max, well I have a solution, download this file
    (right click and save target as)
    then if you look at this page
    this page has info on getting the mixmax.wme file working but put it here: C:\Program Files\Windows Media Components\Encoder\Templates
    and then a new option, "Convert for Mix Max", will be available on the "Quick Starts" tab of the "New Session" dialog. (This dialog by default pops up when you start the Encoder.)
    read what Lenroc has to say and i found out that if you click on properties (Session Properties) when you encode a file after you pick the wmv video you wish to convert and after you have given an output filename that if you click on the compression tab and then the edit button then click the quality based tab and see where it says audio format 128kbps 48khz stereo CBR? change this to 128kbps 44khz stereo CBR because if you have it on 48khz the audio will play slightly faster now i found this out when I put some super HQ mp3s i made from a video game soundtrack that they play a little faster, if you dont want it to play faster and want normal speed choose 128kbps 44khz stereo CBR and it will play as normal, I hope this is helpful to anyone trying to get videos to play on this player, what disney should have done is either make the player so it plays any wmv file regardless of the settings and/or include a program to convert your videos from any format to the right format for the player, I also noticed that if you import an mpeg into WME it will crash it, I got around that by importing the file of your choice mpeg, avi, etc. for quicktime files use quicktime pro's export function export it as an avi file(Movie To AVI) and then import it into windows movie maker and then just save it as a wmv file then encode it with WME for the mix max, I know its a bit of extra work but why didnt disney think of this and include a program
  9. cd1234

    cd1234 Member

    Feb 19, 2008
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    Ive had that issue with my player but I took it to my dads place on a vacation and then one day it started keeping correct time and has been keeping correct time ever since I returned, my dad lives about a half mile from the ocean so maybe the salt air did it some good lol, you can try this just take the player to a place near the ocean but there is no guarantee it will work i guess I was just lucky
  10. cd1234

    cd1234 Member

    Feb 19, 2008
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    MrMovie have you tried importing your AVIs in movie maker and then saving them as WMVs and then trying the WMV in WME that might work, I took some youtube FLV files and converted them to AVI and edited them together in movie maker and then saved WMV then converted to mix max and it works great but the quality isnt that good due to the lossy format this player uses and the YT FLVs wernt that good to start with
  11. mary76114

    mary76114 Member

    May 28, 2008
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    I bought 3 mix maxes for the grandchildren plus 1 video card (freaky friday for the one grandaughters birthday. Well the file is a smv, it will work in 2 out of 3 players. Problem the one it doesn't work in is the one we got it for. How can I copy this and convert it to a wmv file? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Mary

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