mix sound

Discussion in 'Audio' started by _blank_, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. _blank_

    _blank_ Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    What i'd like to do is record my voice on one file and music on a different file and put them together so that i can have the music in the background while i talk. i'd like to have them in a way that i can edit each layer separately and preview them played at the same time as well bcos i need to match what i say to certain part of the music file. I have tried using Sound Forge's mix function but couldnt get to do what i want it.

    Thank you
  2. whyandy

    whyandy Guest

    I remember there is an application named audio mixer maybe.
  3. ripperjwp

    ripperjwp Guest

    Any multi-tracking software will let you mix the two tracks together.

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