I have two spare DS's. Neither works quite right. One has a messed up top screen.(Screen works off and on)The other has a short or something and wont boot. Would it be possible to disassemble them both and take the screen from the shorted one and put it on the one with the broken screen? If so could it work?
I see no reason why it wouldn't work, I've done the same with faulty PSPs (usually swapping over screens and UMD drives) Another thing you could try if your opening your DS' is see if you can fix the one that won't boot by testing the fuses F1/F2 and fixing them if need be, afterall it sounds like that console would be of no use anyway as your pulling the screen from it. (might still be able to use it for GBA games if you do fix it and still take the screen for the other one?) DS fuse repair guide