Hi i'm having a little trouble playing hi-def .mkv file on my computer. My laptops spec is as follows: - 1.37gb ram 1.6ghz amd turion x2 64 processor radion xpress 1110 (set at highest setting of 256mb ram) I've got the cccp running on ether MPC or WMP11. The video plays fine, nice and smooth (even on fast moving parts [most of the time]). Just sometimes the audio fall behind the video and eventually gets realigned. It seems to work in cycles 5 mins of great quality no stuttering or anything, then a patch of juddering, then fine again. I have also run it on my downstairs PC which is a dual core 3ghz Pentium with a Nvidia 125mb card (cant remember the exact spec but its a pretty good one) and 1gb of ram. Any ideas is it the hardware or the software. I'm thinking of upgrading to 2gb or ram will this help at all?
Thats strange because first I thought it was just tipical of mkv files. I also have a mkv movie on my hd and the audio sync lags after 3/4 way through the movie. I think I may have ff decoder installed but not sure how and where u can change its setting. It would be nice if you could take a screen shot and show us.